blackbirdan online journal of literature and the artsSpring 2015  v14n1
Kathy Flann

Kathy Flann is the author of two short story collections, Get a Grip (Texas Review Press, forthcoming), which won the 2014 George Garrett Fiction Prize, and Smoky Ordinary (Snake Nation Press, 2008), which received the Serena McDonald Kennedy Award. Her novella, Mad Dog (White Eagle Coffee Store Press, 2007), received the A.E. Coppard Prize for Fiction. Flann’s fiction has appeared in The Adirondack Review, Carve Magazine, Blackbird, The North American Review, Shenandoah, Crazyhorse, Quarterly West, Yemassee, The Barcelona Review, and Third Coast, among others, and was selected for the anthologies The O. Henry Festival Stories (1998) and New Stories from the South (Algonquin Books, 1996). She has been a fellow at the Sozopol Fiction Seminars in Bulgaria, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and at Le Moulin à Nef in France. Flann is an associate professor at Goucher College in Baltimore.  end

Photo by Howard Yang