Photo of Allan Peterson.

Allan Peterson

Allan Peterson is the author of This Luminous: New and Selected Poems (Panhandler Books, 2019); Fragile Acts (McSweeney's, 2012), a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award; All the Lavish in Common (University of Massachusetts Press, 2006), winner of the Juniper Poetry Prize; and Other Than They Seem (Tupelo Press, 2016).    His work has appeared in The Nation, Gettysburg Review, Bennington Review, AGNI, and international literary publications. His work was selected by Poet Laureate Ted Kooser for his American Life in Poetry Series (#159); in critical essays in The Yale Review; and Stephanie Burt’s The Poem is You: 60 Contemporary Poets and How to Read Them and Close Calls with Nonsense: Reading New Poetry He lives and writes in Ashland, Oregon. His website is: