blackbirdonline journalSpring 2015  v14n1
Caitlin Doyle

Caitlin Doyle’s work has been published in Blackbird, The Atlantic, Boston Review, The Threepenny Review, Black Warrior Review, and Cork Literary Review, among others. Her poems have been published in several anthologies, including The Best Emerging Poets of 2013 (Sulivan & Stokes, 2014), and Best New Poets 2009 (Samovar Press/Meridian, 2009). Caitlin earned an MFA in poetry from Boston University, where she held the George Starbuck Fellowship in Poetry. Her awards and fellowships include a Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference Margaret Bridgman Scholarship, a MacDowell Colony fellowship, a Poets and Writers’ Amy Award, a Sewanee Writers’ Conference Tennessee Williams Scholarship, and Writer-In-Residence fellowships at the James Merrill House and The Kerouac Project of Orlando. She has held an Emerging Writer-In-Residence position at Pennsylvania State University, and a Writer-in-Residence position at St. Albans School and Interlochen Arts Academy.  end

Photo by Miguel Rubio