blackbirdonline journalFall 2017  Vol. 16 No. 2

1917 Suite Intro
(opens v17n1)
Claudia Emerson
Bernard Martin
Dan O'Brien

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Five Editorials selected from The Crisis
September 1917

The World Last Month
These are days of confusion and contradiction.
—Russia reacts from her ecstasy of last spring and retreats spent and
demoralized. Will the blood and iron methods of Kerensky be able to
reinvigorate her?

—The new German Chancellor Michaelis offers peace terms which no one can
             or will accept.

—The Great War drags on indefinitely.
—Congress keeps America from doing her bit.
—In the name of world democracy we land black soldiers in France to fight for
our white allies, while white soldiers in East St. Louis kill black Americans for
             daring to compete in the world of labor with their white fellowmen.

—China seesaws again from a monarchy to a republic and by her declaration
             of war adds to the world’s embroilment.
—Out of all this chaos and confusion calm and readjustment must finally
             come. But no man
can guess when or how.

East St. Louis
Let no one fear that in the economic development of the American Negro East St. Louis is not a bubble. Its significance is simply the shame of American democracy and the utter impotence of its justice. Nevertheless, despite this pogrom, engineered by Gompers and his Trade Unions, the demand for Negro labor continues and will continue. Negro labor continues to come North and ought to come North. It will find work at higher wages than the slave South ever paid and ever will pay, and, despite the Trade Unions and the murderers whom they cover and defend, economic freedom for the American Negro is written in the stars. East St. Louis, Chester and Youngstown are simply the pools of blood through which we must march, but march we will.

More Suggestions
  White people are not in business for their health. We should be in business for our health and for the health of the world.
We spoke last month of the great call for team work on the part of American Negroes and the pressing necessity of turning that team work toward helping us to earn a living.

Today the way is open for co-operation among 12,000,000 people on a scale such as we have never dreamed. What we can do is shown in little things. Ten thousand of us marched the other day in New York City. Everybody said it could not be done. The ways were lined with rabbits, afraid even to walk for freedom, and yet, solemnly and simply, the Negroes of New York told the other citizens of New York their grief and resentment. That is but a little thing. We can do infinitely more. We can organize for industrial co-operation and we can begin with co-operation in distribution. In every large city where 10,000 or more Negroes live, the business of buying groceries, food, clothing and fuel can, by a single determined effort, be put into the hands of colored people. This kind of distribution has been successful all over the world. Little is said about it because the leeches that have fattened on retail trade are too powerful with the newspapers. Distribution of the necessities of life can be easily done with a tremendous saving to the people and the employment of colored men and women. The only thing necessary is for us to start; and to start we simply require that the same spirit of devotion and sacrifice, coupled with brains and training, that has sent young men and women to the ministry and the Y.M. and Y.W.C.A. work should be turned now among us Negroes and be put into business.

White people are not in business for their health. We should be in business for our health and for the health of the world.

Awake America
  Wherever the American flag floats today, black hands have helped to plant it.
Let us enter this war for Liberty with clean hands. May no blood-smeared garments bind our feet when we rise to make the world safe for Democracy. The New Freedom cannot survive if it means Waco, Memphis and East St. Louis. We cannot lynch 2,867 untried black men and women in thirty-one years and pose successfully as leaders of civilization. Rather let us bow our shamed heads and in sack cloth and ashes declare that when in awful war we raise our weapons against the enemies of mankind, so, too, and in that same hour here at home we raise our hands to Heaven and pledge our sacred honor to make our own America a real land of the free:

To stop lynching and mob violence.

To stop disfranchisement for race and sex.

To abolish Jim Crow cars.

To resist the attempt to establish an American ghetto.

To stop race discrimination in Trade Unions, in Civil Service, in places of public accommodation, and in the Public School.

To secure Justice for all men in the courts.

To insist that individual desert and ability shall be the test of real American manhood and not adventitious differences of race or color or descent.

  The shadow of the Black Bastille [of prejudice] lies always across the path of us Americans. Turn where we will we cannot escape its gloom.

Awake! Put on thy strength, America—put on thy beautiful robes. Become not a bye word and jest among the nations by the hypocrisy of your word and contradiction of your deeds. Russia has abolished the ghetto—shall we restore it? India is overthrowing caste—shall we upbuild it? China is establishing democracy—shall we strengthen our Southern oligarchy?

In five wars and now the sixth we black men have fought for your freedom and honor. Wherever the American flag floats today, black hands have helped to plant it. American Religion, American Industry, American Literature, American Music and American Art are as much the gift of the American Negro as of the American white man. This is as much our country as yours, and as much the world’s as ours. We Americans, black and white, are the servants of all mankind and ministering to a greater, fairer heaven. Let us be true to our mission. No land that loves to lynch "n––––rs" can lead the hosts of Almighty God.

 Frank Waltz cover of The Crisis, September 1917  

The Black Bastille
There is in Paris a place where once a notorious prison stood—the Bastille. For many years from the beginning of its erection in 1369, it lowered, a stronghold of cruelty and despotism. But on one marvelous fourteenth of July, 1789, it was stormed by a furious and desperate populace, and not a stone is left to indicate what once had been. Instead, now on that spot, a lofty column, the Column of July, rears skyward its slender, beautiful length, a carven oriflamme of that liberty, fraternity and equality which is in verity the pride of France.

And so the Bastille perished. Moreover the key was brought to America and tendered by Lafayette to General Washington in gracious recognition by one democracy of another. But here the similarity between the two countries ceases. For since the fall of the French stronghold there has been building in this democracy a tower, a fortress fully as iniquitous in its purpose as the ill-famed Bastille of old. Throughout the length and breadth of this land, yes, in the Nation's very capital, are men bent on putting the crowning touch of infamy to this new and monstrous superstructure—the Black Bastille of Prejudice. How many victims have been thrust into its pitiless confines! Into it have gone the ideals of the Pilgrim Fathers, the dreams of the Abolitionists and President Lincoln, and during the week before the fourteenth of July—the very anniversary of the fall of its stone and mortar prototype—the democracy of a nation! The shadow of the Black Bastille lies always across the path of us Americans. Turn where we will we cannot escape its gloom. In those old unhappy, far-off days the French populace demolished their Bastille's frowning reality with every conceivable weapon, stones, maces, pickaxes, halberds and their poor naked hands. America’s course must be as theirs. We have no choice but to bring to the annihilation of this structure—so insubstantial and yet so real our all—determination, effort—grim, unceasing—money, time, tears, our naked bleeding hearts.  end

   The NAACP’s Silent Parade
   Introduction & Table of Contents

   1917 Suite: A Month, a Year, a Term of Liberty
   Introduction & Cross-issue Table of Contents

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