blackbirdan online journal of literature and the artsFall 2020  Vol. 19 No. 2
an online journal of literature and the arts

G.C. Waldrep is the author most recently of feast gently (Tupelo Press, 2018), winner of the 2019 William Carlos Williams Award from the Poetry Society of America, and the long poem Testament (BOA Editions, 2015). Other recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in APR, Poetry, The Paris Review, New England Review, Yale Review, Colorado Review, The Iowa Review, Conjunctions, New American Writing, Denver Quarterly, and other journals. Waldrep lives in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, where he teaches at Bucknell University and edits the journal West Branch. From 2007 to 2018 he served as Editor-at-Large for The Kenyon Review.  end