blackbird spring 2002 vol.1 no. 1



Terese Svoboda's eight books include Treason (poetry from Zoo Press), Trailer Girl and Other Stories and A Drink Called Paradise (prose, both from Counterpoint Press), Cannibal (Bobst Prize, NYU Press), Mere Mortals (poetry, U. of Georgia), Laughing Africa (Iowa Prize in Poetry, U. of Iowa), All Aberration (poetry, U. of Georgia) and Cleaned the Crocodile's Teeth (translations, Greenfield Review Press). Her work has been selected for the Writer's Choice column in the New York Times Book Review, a Great Lakes New Writers Award, an NEH grant in translation, VLS Best Summer Books, and one of SPIN's books of the year. She has taught at William and Mary, Williams College, San Francisco State, Sarah Lawrence, and University of Hawaii.