blackbird online journal spring 2002 vol.1 no. 1


SHEILA PEPE | Josephine

"Josephine," the next in the series of installations during that academic year, 1999, where the crocheting takes on the primary role of object. There's the object, and there's the shadow with the interpretive drawing. Josephine was my mother, and Josephine is the person who taught me how to crochet.

These Doppelganger pieces and related pieces in the series called "Multiple Things With Fixed Ambiguous Pictures," where there's a field of shadows, some interpreted, some not.

It occured to me during "Strings, Things, and Pictures" that there was a narrative element to this, and I could perhaps try to direct the narrative. And in this case, I try to direct the narrative to have all the pictures relate to my mother. The interesting thing about it was the only person that understood all that was my sister, so it was a very small audience that understood that narrative.

But in essence, I think, you might get the juxtaposition of my mother and myself, my mother probably being the church.