blackbird online journal spring 2002 vol.1 no. 1


KARINA PEISAJOVICH  |  Painting, Light, & Shadow

Then I was invited to make a piece in Lodz. I thought to make a piece using the whole space, like the 360 degree of the space. The process of the installations are really complicated because they have many, many steps, like the electricity, the painting, the lights.

 Halogen light, water based paint, timers and paper. Loop.
 10m x 6m x 3m
 Lodz Biennale, Poland

In this piece I wanted to work more with the perspective—with the space—because I think that we never get the real “thing” of the “things.” I mean we go to a space, and we already have a perspective. We have a vanishing point. We have viewpoints. Spaces are not 90 degree angles, so you never get the 90 degree angle of the thing. So what we get from the spaces where we are is just a perspective—it’s a fiction, or it’s the digestion of the eye towards the thing.

In this piece I wanted to push even more this issue, and I invented perspectives that don't exist because this piece has different vanishing points.

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