blackbird online journal spring 2002 vol.1 no. 1


KARINA PEISAJOVICH  |  Painting, Light, & Shadow

I also was questioning myself about the relation between the viewer and the painting. At that time I was thinking that the viewer was not so much involved in the painting, and I wanted the viewer to be a subject and audience of the paintings.

These were my first experiments because they were just simple spots of light on the wall, and I started to use filters and to think of the light as painting as well.

 Halogen lights and slide projector
 Belleza y Felicidad

Photograph byJorge Miño 

And I did a show in a very alternative place called Belleza y Felicidad in Argentina. It's run by an artist. In English, it would be “Beauty and Happiness,” the name of this place. This was the space I showed the last light projection, and then I showed a slide projection of one painting that has also light projection, so they are two superimposed slides.

 Halogen lights and slide projector
 Belleza y Felicidad

 Halogen lights and slide projector
 Belleza y Felicidad
mouseover for detail

I was also exploding the slide projections with other lights. I think I was wanting to dematerialize the subject of my paintings.

 Halogen lights and slide projector
 Belleza y Felicidad