blackbird online journal spring 2002 vol.1 no. 1


LAURA BROWDER  |  If This Is Tuesday, It Must Be Montgomery


Gone To Texas: The Forrest Carter Story
      Marco Ricci, director
      Douglas Newman, co-director, producer
      Laura Browder, co-producer, writer
      Peter Olsen, director of photography
      David Massachi, editor

Thanks to the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, the Alabama Humanities Foundation, the New York State Council for the Arts, and the Illinois Foundation for the Humanties.

Thanks to Robert Holsworth, Dean of the College of Humanities and Sciences, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Terry Oggel, Chair of the VCU English Department.

And finally, thanks to Bryant Mangum for putting together the VCU English Department First Friday series, to M.A. Keller for technological help on the presentation, and to all the transcribers and copyeditors at Blackbird.  

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