Blackbird an online journal of literature and the arts Spring 2008 Vol. 7 No. 1



Translations by Khaled Mattawa
   The Visit

Iman Mersal is the author of four books of poems in Arabic: Ittisafat (Characterizations), 1990; Mamarr Mu’tim Yasluh li Ta’allum al-Raqs (A Dark Alley Suitable for Dance Lessons), 1995; Al-Mashy Atwal Waqt Mumkin (Walking As Long As Possible), 1997; and Jughrafia Badila (Alternative Geography), 2006. These Are Not Oranges, My Love: Selected Poems, a translation of her work into English, is forthcoming from Sheep Meadow Press early next year. Mersal holds a BA in Arabic literature from El-Mansurah University and an MA, also in Arabic, from Cairo University. Volumes of her work have appeared in French, German, and Hebrew. While living in Egypt, Mersal served as an editor for two cultural and literary reviews, Bint al-Ard and Adab wa Naqd. Currently she is an assistant professor of Arabic at the University of Alberta in Canada and resides in Edmonton.