Ramola D is the author of Temporary Lives (University of Massachusetts Press, 2009), awarded the 2008 AWP Grace Paley Prize in Short Fiction and finalist in the 2010 Library of Virginia Fiction awards, and Invisible Season (Washington Writers Publishing House, 1998), which co-won the Washington Writers’ Publishing House Poetry award. Her work appears in Blackbird, Prairie Schooner, Agni, and Northwest Review, among others, and in multiple anthologies, including All About Skin: Short Fiction by Women of Color (University of Wisconsin Press, 2014). She was the recipient of a 2005 National Endowment for the Arts fellowship in poetry and holds an MFA in poetry from George Mason University. She edits the online literary review Delphi Quarterly, runs the citizen-journalism site The Everyday Concerned Citizen, and teaches children’s art and creative writing workshops.
Photo by Paul Tanis